A sample E-Commerce storefront application in Ruby | Two factor authentication using Authy
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre
$ sudo apt-get install solr-tomcat
$ sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 start
[ ok ] Starting tomcat7 (via systemctl): tomcat7.service.
server IP
, deploy branch
. etccap production deploy IP=xx.85.xx.104
Note: Make sure the solr
instance is up and running for every operations like db:reset
, db:seed
, or running application.
You can find the Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram(ERD) here.
Storify uses Authy 2Factor Authentication’s Onetouch and Softtoken scheme to authentication crutial events like payment verifications. It uses the authy-ruby gem.
It also uses Rails DB
, so that you can view records in production and other environment.
If you wish to do the following jobs with single command then see below
execute this command
$ echo "alias hard_reset_db='rails db:drop && rake db:create && rake db:migrate && rake db:reset'" >> ~/.bash_aliases
or open the file ~/.bash_aliases
and put the following content.
alias hard_reset='(echo "Dropping DB ..")&&(rails db:drop) && (rake db:create) && (rake db:migrate) && (echo "Seeding..")&&(rake db:seed)&&(echo "Done!")'
This will update your system’s alias list. Now whenever you wish you can use it like
$ hard_reset_db
See RELEASE.md for information about how to make a new release.
As of now, Storify is only available in English.
Please refer the wiki page for documentations.
Storify is open source under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.